~The Workbench~

Otis. A Tomas ~ Stringed Instruments




Come in for a look inside the workshop and a view of the process at the workbench.....

Hand tools are the basis of the work, allowing the luthier the intimate connection with his materials that is necessary to to bring the most out of each individual piece of wood.However, power tools can be good helpers with the initial rough work. Above is my favorite "work horse" -- an old turn-of-the-century bandsaw that once belonged to Alexander Graham Bell, pioneer of the telephone; below is the rack of chisels and files that graces my workbench.








Usually my workbench looks more like this, after a day's work.....


And here is poor Fernando, long my faithful companion, now lost to the coyotes.....




For a more detailed glimpse of the process at the workbench, continue on by clicking on of the images below:



Guitars, etc.

